NEHH & Lost Map Present…Pictish Trail & Friends
Pictish Trail
Wed 16th Aug 2023
Time: 20:00 ( 300 mins )
Genre: Music, Live Music / Gigs, Nothing Ever Happens Here (NEHH)
Age: 16+

Eigg-based independent label Lost Map celebrates its 10th year with full band performances from Pictish Trail, L.T. Leif... and a new collective band.
Throughout his career Pictish Trail has resolutely furrowed his own path, steadily creating a unique catalogue of recordings & performances.
Island Family, a strange, unpredictable, sardonic and deeply personal record inspired by all from Fever Ray to The Flaming Lips, Liars, Mercury Rev and Beck, contains his contrarian view of arcadia; a search for the euphoric in the bucolic.
Throughout his career Pictish Trail has resolutely furrowed his own path, steadily creating a unique catalogue of recordings & performances.
Island Family, a strange, unpredictable, sardonic and deeply personal record inspired by all from Fever Ray to The Flaming Lips, Liars, Mercury Rev and Beck, contains his contrarian view of arcadia; a search for the euphoric in the bucolic.

Image: Murdo McLeod